

Emilys teeth began to show when she was 3½ months and now they are out. It is not as cute anymore when she decides to have a chew on our fingers...:)

Can you see my teethies? It is that white stuff in my lower jaw and they are itchy...

It is like you all might know, a bit of a struggle for a new mum to loose the extra weight that was gained and to be able to get back in the old clothes...lol.. It is a good thing then that my daughter loves to go for a walk and to see the world from her pram. Even the neighbors have commented on the many walks we do daily but do you think it shows on the scale?
Oh well, the good thing is that Emily loves it so much and that she falls a sleep so when I get home it is just to put her outside on the balcony and she sleeps like a princess and gets lots of fresh air...


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